<aside> 👋 Welcome to Rutopia’s page to access all necessary information about the trips we offer and Mexico as a destination. You can find presentations, image and video galleries, an activity catalog, and itinerary examples.


About Rutopía: who we are and what we are good at


Rutopía Deck 2025_compressed.pdf

Image and Video Gallery

Rutopia photos & videos

Activity Sample


Lodging Sample


Itinerary examples

<aside> 💡 Here you can find the compilation of trip itinerary examples. To use these itineraries, create a duplicate version of the document, modify it to your needs and then download it to Word to send it.


Pre-built itineraries

Rutopia’s complimentary services for the traveler


Once Rutopia sells a trip, we send travelers a roadbook detailing the trip’s logistics. We may include restaurant recommendations, packing tips, etc.

Remote assistance

Days before a Rutopia trip begins, a team of travel advisors reaches out to travelers to solve any problems they might have. Also, travelers will have a phone number and instant messaging access if they need help during their trip.

<aside> ❓ Have questions. Feel free to reach out to [email protected].
